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Tomato fruit quality in response to postharvest stress


Talk Title:Tomato fruit quality in response to postharvest stress

Speaker:Dr. Diane M. Beckles,University of California Davis



Diane M Beckles is a Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of California, Davis. She received her BSc. in Biotechnology from University of Sheffield, (UK) with First Class Hons., and her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge (UK), followed by postdoctoral training at John Innes Centre (UK) and DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology (USA). She served on a number of technical advisory and grant panels and also served as a scientific consultant in different capacities.

Dr. Beckles is an integrative postharvest biologist, interested in discovering genes that influence the quality of fruit, vegetables, and cereals. She is the author of over 80 research articles, has given over 80 national and international talks. Dr. Beckles is an award-winning faculty–she received an US-Israeli Faculty Fellowship, was selected as an inaugural Chancellor's Fellow for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, a UC Davis ADVANCE Faculty Scholar, an Association of American Colleges and Universities STEM Innovation Fellow and the Caribbean Division of the American Association Advancement of Science Certificate of Appreciation for contributions to broadening participation in STEM. She was also featured in Cell Mentor, 1000 Inspiring Black Scientists in America.

Time:2:30 PM, April 29, 2024 (Monday)

Site:Room 111, IVF

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