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Getting into the roots: How Ralstonia solanacearummakes a successful infection


Yu Gang, Associate Professor of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, independent PI, doctoral supervisor, studied in Jilin University from 2006 to 2016, obtained bachelor degree of Plant Protection and doctor degree of Botany. From 2013 to 2015, he was a joint doctoral-student in the Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis. From July 2016 to May 2022, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai center for Plant Stress Biology). He joined the School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in June 2022.

Our research group has been committed to studying the molecular interaction between plants and Ralstonia solanacearum for a long time. We found that by secreting III type effectors, the bacteria inhibit plant resistance responses, manipulate plant metabolism, and thus expand the pathogen population, and eventually cause plant disease. Relative research results published in EMBO Journal, Cell Host & Microbe, PLoS Pathogens, New Phytologist, ISMEJ, etc., as first (co-author) or corresponding authors. Based on the core issue of "plant resistance to soil-borne bacterial diseases", Dr Yu got supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2022) and was supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He was deputy editor of Frontiers in Microbiology, and reviewed articles for more than 70 times in PLOS Pathogens, JIPB, Plant Journal. Welcome teachers and students to the public exchange!

Friday, April 14, 2023, at 3pm in Conference Room 111.
