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论文题目 刊物名称 主要完成人 发表年度
Karyotype analysis of Lilium lancifolium and four related cultivars Caryologia 2020
啶酰菌胺不同抗性类型多主棒孢的生物学特性 农药学学报 2020
二倍体马铃薯StBRC1a 功能缺失突变体的获得及其功能分析 园艺学报 2020
Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in planta. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2020
Reduced expression of the P-glycoprotein gene PxABCB1 is linked to resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin in Plutella xylostella (L.) Pest Management Science 2020
Identifcation and quantitation of the actual active components in bamboo juice and its oral liquid by NMR and UPLC‑Q‑TOF‑MS Scientific Reports 2020
QTL-Seq and Sequence Assembly Rapidly Mapped the Gene BrMYBL2.1 for the Purple Trait in Brassica rapa Scientific Reports 2020
The combined effects of light intensity, temperature, and water potential on wall deposition in regulating hypocotyl elongation of Brassica rapa PeerJ 2020
Identification of a male-specific region (MSR) in Spinacia oleracea L Horticultural Plant Journal 2020
Advances in Research and Application of Male Sterility in Brassica oleracea Horticulturae 2020
利用QTL-seq定位番茄果实质量QTL 园艺学报 2020
海南地区菜豆和豇豆中植物生长调节剂残留和风险评估 农产品质量与安全 2020
Genome-wide identification, expression profile of TIFY gene family in Brassica oleracea var. capitata and their divergent response to various pathogen infection and phytohormone treatment Genes 2020
Creation of fertility-restored materials for Ogura CMS in Brassica oleracea by introducing Rfo gene from Brassica napus via an allotriploid strategy Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2020
A non-vector herbivore indirectly increases the transmission of a vector-borne virus by reducing plant chemical defences Functional Ecology 2020
茄科蔬菜野生资源的研究与利用 植物遗传资源学报 2020
我国蔬菜新品种保护分析及建议 中国蔬菜 2020
抗褐变马铃薯品种(系)鉴定与筛选 作物学报 2020
中国结球甘蓝抗病抗逆遗传育种近年研究进展 园艺学报 2020
Phenolics, rather than glucosinolates, mediate host choice of Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 and MED on five cabbage genotypes Journal of Applied Entomology 2020





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