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论文题目 刊物名称 主要完成人 发表年度
Transcriptome sequencing and identification of key callus browning-related genes from petiole callus of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa cv. Kao) cultured on media with three browning inhibitors Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2020
Molecular characterization and expression analysis of the SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN‑LIKE gene family in Paeonia suffruticosa Plant Cell Reports 2020
Sustainable and Ecofriendly Approach of Managing Soil Born Bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Using Dried Powder of Conyza canadensis Pathogens 2020
我国辣椒病毒病发生情况及发展趋势-基于2018 年和2019 年辣椒主产区的调查 中国蔬菜 2020
上海蔬菜市场状况与市场开拓建议 中国蔬菜 2020
Characteristic and functional study of intersex, a gene related to female fertility in Bemisia tabaci Frontiers in Physiology 2020
Reduced expression of a novel midgut trypsin gene involved in protoxin activation correlates with Cry1Ac resistance in a laboratory-selected strain of Plutella xylostella (L.) Toxins 2020
Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR (KASP) Genotyping and Heterotic Group Classification of 244 Inbred Lines in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) Euphytica 2020
Comparison of defense responses of transgenic potato lines expressing three different Rpi genes to specific Phytophthora infestans races based on transcriptome profiling PeerJ 2020
植物嫁接愈合分子机制研究进展 植物学报 2020
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling High-Temperature Tolerance in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Seedlings Plants (Basel) 2020
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood) Molecular Ecology Resources 2020
我国重要花卉野生资源保护利用成就与展望 植物遗传资源学报 2020
MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Bacteria and a Survey of Fresh Vegetables with Pathogenic Bacteria in Beijing, China Food Bioscience 2020
An update on the arsenal: mining resistance genes for disease management of Brassica crops in the genomic era Horticulture Research 2020
Dynamic changes in bacterial communities in the recirculating nutrient solution of cucumber plug seedlings cultivated in an ebband- flow subirrigation system PLoS One 2020
茄子叶色黄化突变体的特征及遗传分析 园艺学报 2020
The Response of COL and FT Homologues to Photoperiodic Regulation in Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Scientific reports 2020
Comprehensive analysis of Cry1Ac protoxin activation mediated by midgut proteases in susceptible and resistant Plutella xylostella (L.) Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 2020
2020年上半年我国蔬菜生产形式分析 中国蔬菜 2020





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