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姓 名: 凌键
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 010-82109545
邮 箱: [email protected]
研究方向: 蔬菜病原物基因组学
最高学历: 博士
导师类别: 硕士生导师
研究领域: 蔬菜病害基因组,微生物多样性,宏基因组,生防菌次生代谢产物


       凌键,博士,菠菜网站推荐 研究员。2004年硕士毕业于西南师范大学,获植物学硕士学位,2008年博士毕业于中国农业科学院研究生院,获得作物遗传育种博士学位。2008年至今,在菠菜网站推荐 工作。2016年-2017年赴加拿大西蒙菲莎大学公派留学。目前研究的主要领域为:通过对蔬菜病原物基因组,转录组,代谢组等组学的研究,并结合分子实验的方法揭示蔬菜——病原物互作的分子机制。以第一作者在Plant Biotechnol Journal, new phytologist, plant journal,Horticulture Research等知名杂志上发表SCI论文20余篇,获得授权专利10项。





  1. 中国农业科学院成果转化优秀团队奖励,2023年,省部级,排名第3

  2. 瓜果蔬菜土传病虫害成灾机制及防控技术研究与应用,2017,省部级,第16


  1. Ping, X., Khan, R. A. A., Chen, S., Jiao, Y., Zhuang, X., Jiang, L., Song, L., Yang, Y., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Mao, Z., Xie, B., & Ling, J. (2024). Deciphering the role of rhizosphere microbiota in modulating disease resistance in cabbage varieties. Microbiome, 12(1), 160.(IF:13.8,通讯作者)

  2. Jiang, L.#, Ling, J#., Zhao#, J., Yang, Y., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Jiao, Y., Mao, Z., Wang, Y., & Xie, B. (2023). Chromosome-scale genome assembly-assisted identification of Mi-9 gene in Solanum arcanum accession LA2157, conferring heat-stable resistance to Meloidogyne incognita. Plant biotechnology journal, 21(7), 1496–1509. (IF:13.8, 并列1作)

  3. Zhao, J#., Sun, Q#., Quentin, M#., Ling, J#., Abad, P., Zhang, X., Li, Y., Yang, Y., Favery, B., Mao, Z., & Xie, B. (2021). A Meloidogyne incognita C-type lectin effector targets plant catalases to promote parasitism. The New phytologist, 232(5), 2124–2137.(IF:10.4, 并列1作)

  4. Xie, X., Ling, J., Mao, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, J., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Liu, M., Gu, X., & Xie, B. (2022). Negative regulation of root-knot nematode parasitic behavior by root-derived volatiles of wild relatives of Cucumis metuliferus CM3. Horticulture research, 9, uhac051. (IF:8.7, 并列1作)

  5. Ling, J., Xie, X., Gu, X., Zhao, J., Ping, X., Li, Y., Yang, Y., Mao, Z., & Xie, B. (2021). High-quality chromosome-level genomes of Cucumis metuliferus and Cucumis melo provide insight into Cucumis genome evolution. The Plant journal, 107(1), 136–148. (IF:7.6)

  6. Jiao, Y., Ling, J., Khan, R. A. A., Luo, N., Li, Z., Li, Z., Yang, Y., Zhao, J., Mao, Z., Bills, G. F., Xie, B., & Li, Y. (2025). Genome Mining Reveals Biosynthesis of the Antifungal Lipopeptaibols, Texenomycins, through a Hybrid PKS-NRPS System, in the Fungus Mariannaea elegans. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 73(1), 226–236.(并列1作)

  7. Xie, X., Ling, J., Lu, J., Mao, Z., Zhao, J., Zheng, S., Yang, Q., Li, Y., Visser, R. G. F., Bai, Y., & Xie, B. (2024). Genetic dissection of Meloidogyne incognita resistance genes based on VIGS functional analysis in Cucumis metuliferus. BMC plant biology, 24(1), 964.(并列1作)

  8. Hao, Y., Liu, R., Mao, Z., Yang, Q., Zheng, S., Lu, X., Yang, Y., Xie, B., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Chen, G., & Ling, J. (2024). Identification and Analysis of WRKY Transcription Factors in Response to Cowpea Fusarium Wilt in Cowpea. Plants, 13(16), 2273.

  9. Yang Q, Mao Z, Hao Y, Zheng S, Zhao J, Li Y,Yang Y, Xie B, Ling J and Li Y (2024) Genomewide transcriptome profiling reveals molecular response pathways of Trichoderma harzianum in response to salt stress. Front. Microbiol. 15:1342584.(并列通讯)

  10. Song, L., Ping, X., Mao, Z., Zhao, J., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Xie, B., & Ling, J. (2023). Variation and stability of rhizosphere bacterial communities of Cucumis crops in association with root-knot nematodes infestation. Frontiers in plant science, 14, 1163271.

  11. Ling, J., Liu, R., Hao, Y., Li, Y., Ping, X., Yang, Q., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Xie, B., Zhao, J., & Mao, Z. (2023). Comprehensive analysis of the WRKY gene family in Cucumis metuliferus and their expression profile in response to an early stage of root knot nematode infection. Frontiers in plant science, 14, 1143171.

  12. Hao, Y., Li, Y., Ping, X., Yang, Q., Mao, Z., Zhao, J., Lu, X., Xie, B., Yang, Y., & Ling, J. (2023). The Genome of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli Provides Insight into the Evolution of Genomes and Effectors of Fusarium oxysporum Species. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(2), 963.

  13. Ling, J., Dong, X., Ping, X., Li, Y., Yang, Y., Zhao, J., Lu, X., Xie, B., & Mao, Z. (2022). Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans Race 1 in Northern China Samples. Journal of fungi, 8(10), 1089.

  14. Chen, A., Najeeb, S., Wang, Y., Khan, R. A. A., Ping, X., & Ling, J. (2022). First Report of Colletotrichum circinans Causing Anthracnose in Allium fistulosum var. giganteum in Gansu Province, China. Plant disease, PDIS09212011PDN.

  15. Xingxing, P., Khan, R. A. A., Yan, L., Yuhong, Y., Bingyan, X., Zhenchuan, M., & Jian, L. (2021). Draft Genome Resource of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici, the Infectious Agent of Pepper Fusarium Wilt. Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI, 34(6), 715–717.


  1. 凌键;张吉祥;杨宇红;陈国华;茆振川;谢丙炎;一种甘蓝枯萎病菌的检测试剂盒及其检测方法,ZL201310227216.7;

  2. 凌键;茆振川;谢丙炎;杨宇红;曹鸿一;一种干酪乳杆菌菌株及其应用,ZL201611125795.4


  1. 参与专利转化4项(3项排名第4,1项排名第5),转让金额65万元

  2. 获得微生物菌剂肥料登记证1个 :微生物肥(2020),准字(8945)号

  3. 主持技术模式推广1个:“北方甘蓝枯萎病综合防控技术模式的建立与示范”,累计推广6.2万亩,辐射面积30万亩,减施农药38.5-42.5%,减施化学肥料35.68-38.22%,增产4.5%。

  4. 参与制定标准8项

  5. 近年来协助课题开发累计收入400余万元。


  1. 国家自然基金,青年基金 黄瓜MADS-box转录因子调控雌花衰老的分子机理研究(31000922),主持

  2. 国家自然基金,面上项目 甘蓝枯萎病菌1号生理小种(Foc1)效应子鉴定及免疫调控机制研究 (31571962),主持

  3. 国家自然基金,面上项目 刺角瓜抗根结线虫基因的鉴定及功能分析 (32372508),主持

  4. 国家十三五重点研发课题,露地蔬菜水肥药协同共效控害技术集成与应用(2018YFD0201204),主持

  5. 国家十四五重点研发课题, 重大高风险入侵物种跨境溯源与诊断技术研发(2023YFC2604901),执行主持







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