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论文题目 刊物名称 主要完成人 发表年度
Tracking disease resistance deployment in potato breeding by enrichment sequencing Plant Biotechnology Journal 2018
Detection of major loci associated with the variation of 18 important agronomic traits between Solanum pimpinellifolium and cultivated tomatoes. The Plant Journal 2018
被子植物下胚轴细胞伸长的分子机理 植物学报 2018
Identification and characterization of resistance for Plasmodiophora brassicae, race 4 in cabbage (Brassica oleracea, var. capitata) Australasian Plant Pathology 2018
短密木霉菌RT-PCR检测体系的建立及其在南瓜根际的动态分析 中国生物防治学报 2018
天津设施青萝卜高效种植管理技术 中国蔬菜 2018
Persistently transmitted viruses restrict the transmission of other viruses by affecting their vectors Frontiers in Physiology 2018
Research Progress on Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based Transgenic Technology in Brassica rapa Horticultural Plant Journal 2018
Morphological and physiological changes, and the functional analysis of PdSPL9 in the juvenile-to-adult phase transition of paeonia delavayi Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 2018
安徽庐江“金坝芹芽”高效生产技术 中国蔬菜 2018
24-Epibrassinolide ameliorates endogenous hormone levels to enhance low-temperature stress tolerance in cucumber seedlings International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018
Rediscovery and analysis of phytophthora carbohydrate esterase(ce) genes revealing their evolutionary diversity Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2018
一个新的薄皮甜瓜叶色突变体的生理特性及超微结构分析 四川农业大学学报 2018
乙烯对‘班克海尔’和‘杨妃出浴’芍药切花开放和衰老的影响 园艺学报 2018
中早熟加工番茄新品种IVF3302 的选育 中国蔬菜 2018
Complementary transcriptome and proteome profiling in cabbage buds of a recessive male sterile mutant provides new insights into male reproductive development Journal of Proteomics 2018
加工番茄Ve-1、I-2、Mi-1和Pto基因关联变异位点的挖掘 园艺学报 2018
番茄附生和内生细菌分离与群落相似性分析 生物技术通报 2018
大白菜抗根肿病的抗源筛选和分子标记鉴定 中国蔬菜 2018
大白菜枯萎病病原镰刀菌初步鉴定 植物病理学报 2018





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