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论文题目 刊物名称 主要完成人 发表年度
Characterization of interspecific hybrids between flowering Chinese cabbage and broccoli. Scientia Horticulturae 2018
Variability in eukaryotic initiation factors iso4E in Brassica rapa influences interactions with the viral protein linked to the genome of turnip mosaic virus Scientific Reports 2018
MicroRNAs and their targets in cucumber shoot apices in response to temperature and photoperiod. BMC Genomics 2018
冀北高原冷凉区甘蓝水肥一体化栽培技术 中国蔬菜 2018
Control of Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera: Sciaridae) by soil solarization Crop Protection 2018
Development and characterization of polymorphic EST‐SSR markers for Paphiopedilum henryanum (Orchidaceae). Applications in plant sciences 2018
Preparation of a magnetic multiwalled carbon nanotube@ polydopamine/zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 composite for magnetic solid-phase extraction of triazole fungicides from environmental water samples RSC Advances 2018
南宫市黄韭高产栽培技术 中国蔬菜 2018
结球甘蓝小孢子培养条件优化及高代自交系胚状体诱导研究 中国蔬菜 2018
Hotspots of independent and multiple rounds of LTR-retrotransposon bursts in Brassica species Horticultural Plant Journal 2018
iTRAQ-Based Proteomic Analysis of Ogura-CMS Cabbage and Its Maintainer Line International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018
Elucidation of the mechanism of reflowering in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) ‘Zi Luo Lan’ by defoliation and gibberellic acid application Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2018
茄子砧/穗残株高效再利用及效益评价 中国蔬菜 2018
早熟加工番茄新品种IVF1305 的选育 中国蔬菜 2018
浙江平湖芦笋 2 次养母茎 3 次采笋高效种植技术 中国蔬菜 2018
噻虫嗪灌根对四种叶菜上害虫的防治效果及残留检测 环境昆虫学报 2018
根施聚天门冬氨酸对日光温室黄瓜生长、产量及矿质元素吸收的影响 中国蔬菜 2018
Is partial root-zone drying more appropriate than drip irrigation to save water in China? A preliminary comparative analysis for potato cultivation. Potato Research 2018
植物非结构性碳水化合物代谢及体内转运研究进展 植物生理学报 2018
Identification of QTLs controlling low-temperature tolerance during the germ S ination stage in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. Plant Breeding 2018





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